Fertility & Women's Health



Your treatment plans might include any of the following modalities.


Clinical Nutrition

Personalized nutrition is the foundation of good health, but eating well has never been more confusing. There is no perfect diet for everyone - your nutritional needs depend on your genetics, your digestion, your lifestyle, and of course your taste preferences! Dr. Joanna will help find the perfect diet for you, to enhance digestion, improve energy and optimize your fertility.


Lifestyle Counselling

Our regular habits and mindset greatly influence our overall health. Lifestyle medicine focuses on stress management, sleep, and exercise as being fundamental to achieving lasting health. Fertility challenges can add a lot of additional stressors and changes in behaviour that we can help navigate.


Nutritional Supplements

Vitamins and Minerals are critical to overall health, and nutrient deficiencies are incredibly common. In addition to correcting for deficiencies, certain nutrients can be prescribed therapeutically to help address specific health concerns.


Botanical Medicince

Herbs can be a great way to help restore balance within the body. Current medical literature supports the use of herbs to help with pain, mood, sleep and hormone balance. Naturopathic Doctors ensure that these herbs are used safely, without potential for interaction with other supplements or medications.


Functional & Lab Testing

Sometimes testing may be indicated to help understand your case. This can either be testing done at your local Lifelabs location, or a functional test that would explore hormones, digestive health or food sensitivities. Check with your insurance provider to see if testing with a Naturopathic Doctor is included in your plan.


Prescription Medications

In certain cases, prescription medication may be the best option for you. Dr. Joanna is licensed to prescribe medication, and  will help ensure that this is being used safely along with any other supplements you may be taking.